Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is the surgical procedure to remove access to skin, fat and muscle. Blepharoplasty is indicated at almost any age, but most commonly addresses middle-aged people and may precede a few years of facial lifting. With the age of eyebrows tend to descend, progressively relaxes all the eyelid tissues, loosens the elasticity of the skin, tarsus, muscles, and orbital septum, plus an increase in fatty tissue.
Other causes of eyelid dropping can be recurrent edema during the preterm period, allergies, heart disease, kidney disease, hormonal imbalances and thyroid dysfunctions.
It can be done for two reasons:
- for correcting a functional disorder (diminishing the visual field, ptosis, ectropionsenyl);
- from an aesthetic point of view or to improve the appearance of the patient
Blepharoplasty can be performed with local or general anesthesia.Surgical blepharoplasty techniques are tailored to each case.
Postoperative care:
-local spraying for 24h
-cold local applications
-additional corneal swirling by application of artificial tears
– antibiotic treatment
– the yarn suppression is done from day 2 until day 5
Postoperative complications are very rare (ecchymosis, moderate pain, temporary swelling of the eyelids) and depend on the correct setting of the operator’s technique, the observation of postoperative indications.